Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well, it's been a while!

I haven't blogged here since last June.  Everything is going great.  I've been living my new life diabetes-free.  I keep losing weight, slowly but surely.  I'm not trying to.  It just happens.  My blood sugar readings are in the normal range of 80 to 90 usually.

I have not had a return of the neuropathy symptoms that I originally had.  My wrists and fingers are fine.  My feet are fine.  I haven't had a single episode of heartburn in 14 months.  I haven't had a single yeast infection in 14 months.  I sleep like a baby and rarely get headaches.

So life is just normal.  I don't dwell on food choices any longer.  I don't eat wheat and I eat carbs very sparsely.  It's just normal and non-interesting to me now.  I know exactly what I can eat and how much of it. I no longer have to weigh and measure and research all of my food.  Like I said, it's just normal now.

Interestingly, my mother is a diabetic who has been on medications for at least the last decade.  Inspired by my results, she recently made the choice to give up wheat and eat low-carb.  She has been able to go off her meds (with her doctor's blessing) and has seen many, many benefits other than just blood sugar readings in the low 100s.

It really is amazing how freeing life is post-wheat addiction!