Wednesday, April 27, 2022

It's 2022! A decade has passed.

I haven't blogged in years.   My experience with diabetes has continued.  I did well until the pandemic of 2020.  Between food shortages and isolation and fatalistic pessimism, my A1c, blood glucose numbers, and weight began to rise.  It was a crazy time.

A TIA (ministroke) landed me in the hospital nine months ago and the whole litany of diabetic protocols was heaped upon me.  Insulin and other meds were given.  One doctor told me that I would be on them for the rest of my life.  I assured him that I knew what I had to do.  I got this.  

I was not believed.  Well, I didn't have much "street cred" with an A1c clocking in at 12.2! To say I blew it is an understatement.  It was amazing that so many years of good management could be undone in such a short time.

Well, I'm here to say it is possible to get back on track.  It took 15 weeks, but I got everything back on track with a keto-approach low-carb eating plan.  I'm feeling great.  My latest A1c was 5.4 and my lipids (cholesterol/triglycerides) are all at optimum levels.  Since my hospitalization nine months ago, I have also lost an additional 35 pounds, total of 65.

I'll post next on how I got back on my path to no longer being diabetic.