Thursday, March 29, 2012

Update III: How it's going

I was at the doctor's today for an appointment for my mother, so I hopped on the scale.  I lost three more pounds in the last two weeks.  My blood sugar numbers are still hovering around 100, but they are very steady with no spiking.

Also, it has been brought to my attention by my son that the book, "Wheat Belly," has its own Facebook page.  There are a lot of knowledgeable people over there who are willing to answer questions, including the book's author, Dr. William Davis.


  1. Oh yes Kathleen Dr. Davis is on Facebook every day answering our questions, helping us, and posting replies to us. What other Dr. would be doing that with their busy schedule?

  2. I had no idea about Wheat Belly's fb page. Thank you for sharing that. You're story is AMAZING, but not at all surprising. Congrats on taking control of your health. I've done the same and the weight loss is a wonderful side effect. LOL


    1. Thanks, Terri. It's been so easy that I could kick myself for not doing this years ago!
